How To Clean Black Mold From Inflatable Hot Tub

How To Clean Black Mold From Inflatable Hot Tub
How To Clean Black Mold From Inflatable Hot Tub

Inflatable hot tubs are a great tool for relaxing. You feel relaxed and enjoy sitting in the hot tub. The placement depends on whether the user is put in a bathroom or in the backyard. Many people keep out in open places to enjoy the weather and moments. At the same time, some prefer to place it in the wide bathroom.

On the other hand, cleaning and maintaining hot tubs is important. Suppose you keep your hot tub clean in a regular way. It can serve for a long time. At the same time, health factors also matter in cleanliness. So, make sure to clean molds from hot tubs regularly.

 Why Black Mold On Hot Tubs

Water consists of many minerals. Every location has different minerals containing water. Even in some places, hard water is found. Using hot tubs for a long time and without proper cleaning, a thick layer becomes on a hot tub’s surface, called black mold. With time, this black mold became thick and hard. That looks unpleasant and causes damage to the tubs. But it can clean with proper cleaning and care.

How To Clean Black Mold From Inflatable Hot Tub

How To Clean Black Mold From Inflatable Hot Tub
How To Clean Black Mold From Inflatable Hot Tub

There are several ways to clean black mold from inflatable hot tubs. But not all methods work on it. Because you must be careful while cleaning inflatable hot tubs; if there are any scratches, get the inflatable tub during cleaning. It will be a waste of all hot tubs. Here are suggestions to know in what situation black mold appears.

When It Appears

How To Clean Black Mold From Inflatable Hot Tub
How To Clean Black Mold From Inflatable Hot Tub

Suppose you notice that your inflatable tub looks pale. The fade in color and brownish layer on the side inflatable tub is also a symptom of mold. At the same time, the hot tub will sit smelly and have funky water. In hot tubs, you can see white and black stuff floating on the water’s surface. All those signs show that your hot tubs need to clean from mold.

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Steps To Clean Black Mold From Inflatable Hot Tub

After noticing the mold growth, you have to clean it immediately. There is an easy way to clean it. You may already do to clean the hot tub. Brush and soap are the best tools to rub the black mold from tubs. Make fine soap foam on the surface of the inflatable tub and rub it with the brush. Scratch until the end of the sign. Then wash with clean water.

Sanitizer You Inflatable Hot Tub

Black mold is stubborn and comes again and again on the surface of tubs. To protect your inflatable hot tubs, you must use some chemicals. Sanitizer is the best way to sprinkle on the mold place. Or after every bath or use of the hot tub. So, using sanitizer in the hot tub, the germs will not produce and kill the spot. Just pour sanitizer into a shower bottle and sprinkle on an inflatable hot tube after every use.

How To Clean Black Mold From Inflatable Hot Tub

How To Clean Black Mold From Inflatable Hot Tub
How To Clean Black Mold From Inflatable Hot Tub

Empty Hot Tub

Suppose your hot tube is filled with water for a long time. It is not good. Because bacteria produce germs and algae in water minerals, empty your hot tub. Drain all that water. Be careful while draining water from the hot tub. Water must not go into the plants or garden. Because it contains hazardous chemicals, be careful to drain it directly into the drainage system.

Clean Filter

How To Clean Black Mold From Inflatable Hot Tub
How To Clean Black Mold From Inflatable Hot Tub

Every inflatable hot tub attaches a filter. De-attach that filter from the hot tub. The filter can trap a lot of organic materials and dirt, which can float in the hot tube during hot water filling or warming water. This filter is a great breeding place for bacteria. It is important to clean filters regularly.

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Clean With Mild Soap

Cleaning the hot tub with mild soap is the best way. Some filters can place into the dishwasher easily. So pour some mild soap on them and clean the filters. But first, you need to read the instruction regarding filter cleaning. If there is no risk of washing that way, then do it the normal way.

Clean Hot Tubs With Vinegar

Vinegar is a natural cleaner. Mixing vinegar and dish soap is a great way to clean hot tubs. White vinegar can kill almost 82% germ of mods. Moreover, natural dish soap proves the best way to clean the surface of inflatable hot tubs.

  • Take 50% of white vinegar
  • Add 50% of mild dish soap
  • Mix them in a bowl
  • take a sponge

Wet the sponge and rub it on the surface of the tubs. If you wear gloves, it will be good.

Clean Covers

Covers of inflatable hot tubs are proven great places for mold’ breading. So, make sure to clean the covers regularly. It has the same way you clean hot tubs surface. If the tub covers are inflatable, clean them with the same things. Spread the mixture of soap and vinegar and wipe it. Wash the covers with clean water to get rid of all bacteria.

How To Prevent Black Mold From Inflatable Hot Tubs

How To Clean Black Mold From Inflatable Hot Tub
How To Clean Black Mold From Inflatable Hot Tub

Black mold cannot go easily as the tubs are used in water. The mold can produce again. But it can be prevented with some caution. As told earlier, sanitize your hot tub regularly. Weather sanitize with water by emptying the hot tub.

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Keep PHP Level Equal

Php level matters a lot. Make sure you keep it at the correct level. The best level is between 7.5 and 7.6. Moreover, bromine and chlorine treatment is the best way to prevent black mold. Check you’re to test your hot tub on the correct level of Php.

Use Enough Bromine

Bromine kills the germs and bacteria in the water. It is an effective way to keep mold away from hot tubs. You have to test the bromine level with the PHP level. Maintain the bromine level from 1 to 13 ppm or parts per million.

Other best way

  • Clean the filter regularly
  • Check the water condition
  • Shock your hot tube regularly
  • Drain and level the hot tub after every six weeks


Cleaning the black mold from the hot tub is easy. But it requires regularity. The filter of the hot tub must be addressed. Most of the bacteria come from the filter system. So keep an eye on it. Regular cleaning will not only keep your hot tube clean, but it will also be safe in health matters.




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